on mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa, su from 0:00 to 09:00 4 100 ₽ /hour on workdays from 9:00 to 18:00 1 200 ₽ /hour on mo, tu, we, th from 18:00 to 00:00 1 800 ₽ /hour on fr from 18:00 to 00:00 3 500 ₽ /hour on sa from 9:00 to 00:00 3 500 ₽ /hour on su from 9:00 to 00:00 2 500 ₽ /hour from 16 December to 22 December 8 000 ₽ /hour from 01 December to 16 December on mo, tu, we, th from 0:00 to 05:00 5 070 ₽ /hour all other times 1 200 ₽ /hour surcharge. Valid for 30 and more guests. 500 ₽/hour От 40 человек уборка +1000р. Valid for 40 and more guests. 1000 ₽ Уборка помещения 3000 ₽ Количества человек от 40. Valid for 40 and more guests. 500 ₽/hour Более 60 человек. Valid for 60 and more guests. 500 ₽/hour Более 70. Valid for 70 and more guests. 500 ₽/hour Колличество гостей более 50. Valid for 50 and more guests. 500 ₽/hour Minimum order on sa 18 600 ₽